Saturday 4 July 2015

Week Four - Slowing things down!

This week for me needed to be about taking a step back and slowing things down.
Before getting involved in the Zero to Hero program I had decided I needed to get back into running and what better way than signing up for an event. I chose the Women’s Running 10k at Willen Lake on 5th July 2015 as it felt like a manageable distance. It has come round a lot sooner than I expected!

People close to me will know that sometimes when I get an idea in my head I go off all guns blazing and since starting running again I am constantly trying to up my mileage and beat my times. I am very aware that the ultimate marathon goal isn’t until next May and I need to keep the motivation going until then. With this in mind and next week’s 10k looming this week’s goal was “taking it easy”.

After the high of my PB Parkrun on Saturday I set off for my easy Sunday run. I couldn’t make the Redway Runners group at Olney so I plodded off along the canal down to Stoke Bruerne adding a loop on at the beginning and end to make my total distance 5 miles. It was just me, the ipod and a lot of rain but I found these cuties waiting for me at The Navigation Inn with a cup of tea which made it all worthwhile!

Me and Constance teamed up Monday for a very hot jaunt round the Monday evening club run in a respectable 40 minutes. After being adamant this time that I knew the route I was glad of some other Redway Runners to point us in the right direction as clearly left to me own devices we would have been running a totally different loop!

Tuesday was a resting day so instead of physically exerting myself I headed off to Yardley Gobion primary to watch my eldest, Faith take part in sports day and was proud to see her on the winning team.

Well if we thought Monday was a warm run nothing had prepared us for Wednesday’s speed and core session with Tony. It was hot (the hottest day for 9 years so the radio said), it was hard and it was horrible but we made it through alive despite Tony’s neighbours trying to set off our hayfever by strimming the lawn over us! I managed to pick up two new nicknames during our session. My Z2H “hero” name SUPERGIRL and not quite so flattering by Tony TENT depicting my terrible plank position.

The rest of the week was scheduled mostly for resting in advance of my 10k on Sunday (although I was guilty of sneaking into the gym on one occasion) and a 4 mile run on Friday which was fairly uneventful. Luckily I had plenty of spare time to pimp my trainers just in case you can't see me coming!

I am going to settle in for an early night and pray it's not too hot and sticky tomorrow!


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